Please feel free to add your candle to this digital altar.
Leave your wishes, words, or intentions in the comment box below to be seen and held by the Muse. Return as often as you wish.
3 responses to “Altar”
Thank you for holding space for all of my inspiration, for guiding my thoughts towards creation, for always listening.
I appreciate you endlessly.
In devotion,
MichelleHello, New Moon. Thank you for the space today to publish this page and sit with it quietly before sharing more openly with the world. Moving through big feelings in relation to the finite and simultaneous infinite aspects of being human and happy to have promised myself to be here with the Muse before I knew where my heart would be journeying today.
Finally shared written words, feeling more connected than ever to this space and what is calling to exist here.
Thank you, Muse.
Thank you, those who see my value.
Thank you, what is yet to come.– Michelle
Light A Candle